Saturday, March 12, 2011

My First Bike Ride/ Media Article

Today, I finally had my first bike lesson and yes I am learning how to ride a bike in college, it was fun. I learned how to balance on the bike and brake speaking of braking when I was younger and I would see people riding bikes and my sister tried teaching me the bikes brakes were on the pedals meaning when you would ride you would stop by bringing the pedal back with your feet. Nowadays the brakes are on the handles which if you ask me is much easier, I am so excited to learn more in my journey to riding a bike. As far as my article I'm writing about it this week because I realized that I have as o yet to talk about it and fiqured that I should. My article was about poisons in the Hudson River and fish in that river seemingly being resistant to those poisons. In fact they are storing them as fat the Atlantic Tomcod do this but the article when on the say that the predators of the tomcod would be harmed by the chemicals that don't harm the tomcod and eventually harm humans when the predators move up steam and are captured and cooked. The article also when on to talk about adaptions to the chemicals overall I found the article really interesting. Also this week my group for the project went to CDI and had a tour, went to lunch at mellow mushroom and talked about ideas for the project such doing video clips and other ideas basically trying to plan out exactly where we want to go with the project.

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