Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Media Article: Why aren't GMO Foods Labeled?

The article I found is called "Why Aren't G.M.O. Foods Labeled", by Mark Bittman. It was in the New York Times online. This article talk about the various reason that genetically modified organisms aren't on the labels. Most of this is because the FDA does not require it to be posted unless it contains more than .9%. This is in part because they do not want to give the impression that these foods are different. However, in England there are strict bans on these foods and they must be labeled. Another concern is that when cross pollination occurs that can no longer be considered organic if it has been genetically engineered. There are concerns arising about genetically engineered salmon, that would be fast growing also. The truth is that most Americans believe that G.M.O.'s are unsafe and that they want them labeled. Not even the strongest supports of G.M.O.'s can say that there aren't hidden dangers.
I have continued to record everything on myplate (Even over spring break). This week however I was off to a rough start, I am currently fighting some sort of viral cold, and there is nothing I can do but let it run its course. I have been working out this week just not running everyday. I hope to be up and running again by this weekend. I will continue to use myplate and hope to hear back from more of the class about possibly participating.

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