Sunday, March 13, 2011

Biking + me = bruises

So I went out Saturday with my friend Kevin and bought a new bike. Thank god he was there. I was clueless about some stuff. Anyway, here she is! Pretty, isn't she? I rode around on the bike a bit before I bought her. I was WAY wobbly. I didn't expect that at all. I've been riding without training wheels since I was 7 or so. I remember it being second nature. My ride Saturday was anything but. I was really surprised. I rode in the park near Mock Orange (where I purchased the bike) and it was incredibly embarrassing. There were a lot of expletives coming out of my mouth. I didn't see any kids nearby, so hopefully I didn't offend anyone. There ware several skids made so I could stop. I'm used to the brakes on a single speed, I guess. It's weird to feel so unnatural on a bike. I've never felt that way before. Unluckily for me, nothing changed on my bike ride Sunday.
I decided to go back out on the greenway where I had plotted out how to get to school without actually encountering traffic. Thank the gods I knew in advance I was not ready to be in traffic. I would have died. As it is, I did take a spill and got a skinned elbow and some bruises. Again, I have no idea why I'm no longer adept at bike riding. It's been a few years, but I thought it was something you could just pick back up. They say "it's just like riding a bike," right? Except it wasn't. Not the way I remember it anyway. I've never been the most graceful person (at least on land), but I can't remember the last time I fell off a bike except when I had my training wheels taken off. Could a few years hiatus really have left me so inept? It must have. I thought that since I've been working out I wouldn't have any problem getting up the hills. Wrong. I had to get off and walk the bike twice. Also embarrassing. I think the highlight was falling off, though. Apparently I waited until there were plenty of people around to see it. *sigh* I guess I'll get some more practice in before I try to ride it to school. I paid over $50 in gas Friday afternoon and that was definitely what pushed me to make the purchase this weekend. I was hoping to save some money by biking soon, but I guess I need to at least make it up all the hills first.

1 comment:

  1. congrats on your new bike! sorry to hear about the bruises and discomfort. I hope you don't give up! it gets better. This is a somewhat strange frame design. you are in the bike rather than on top of it and I feel like it can push you around more than usual. we might be able to make some adjustments that will help. come bike with us next time. we will try to help. I won't laugh if you fall again, I promise :) ~n
