Friday, March 18, 2011

Coasting into Spring

As we go through the arduous last days of classes before Spring Break, with everyone overworked, stressed-out and sleep deprived, I have to say taking a stroll or ride out on the greenway on Wednesday was such a refreshing release, and I'm hoping my classmates felt the same. As the weeks progress out of the icky darkness of winter's clutches into that uplifting stretching of daylight we are graced with thanks to the time change, it occurs to me that I am in good company this spring semester. How many of us commented that we had no idea we'd been walking so long on Wednesday that not even halfway down the trail we'd have to turn back in order to make it to our next class on time?

As the ideas for our project (I'm in the CDI group) begin to coalesce into something (we hope) that is of significance and presentable, I am happy to realize the good company I am in on this journey into spring. My group, my classmates, all appear to be embracing the challenges of understanding the information and making simple lifestyle changes with open minds and hardy senses of humor. Basically I'm taking this blog post to thank everyone for making the work of this semester as enjoyable as it can be - hey, it's still work after all! I've enjoyed getting to know my group and classmates and feel grateful to Dr. Allen for tossing us out into the sunshine when we probably need it most.

Happy Spring Break! See you at the end of March :)

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