Thursday, February 24, 2011

Minneapolis Biking

I researched the biking conditions for Minneapolis, and I discovered that it's actually one of the best cities for biking around. It currently has 46 miles of roads with clearly dedicated bike lanes and then has a total of 84 miles of off road bicycle paths. In 2007 the city was awarded second place out of 50 cities with the most workers that commute to work on bike with a total of around 7,200 residents that bike to work daily (Portland was #1)

Minneapolis adjoins with St. Paul and together the "Twin Cities" have a population of 3.5 million
Minneapolis- St. Paul scored a 95.86 on the overall sprawl index which ranked it as 38th out of the 83 areas measured by Smart Growth America.

Overall, I think that Minneapolis is, as a community, focused on biking as a transportation option, and for residents, biking is a fesable and safe option.

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