Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Biking: Week One

This week I began the biking portion of this class. Since my schedule is a little hectic right now I decided to do my biking in the fitness center, but I hope that later in the semester I will be able to ride outside. My legs started to hurt towards the end and my lungs felt a little tight when I was finished, but seeing that I had biked five miles made me feel like I had really accomplished something. I also found that I felt more relaxed when I was finished because I had been concentrating on something other than school and homework. My bike riding experience was really positive, and it is something I would definitely be interested in doing again. I am not sure that it will become a daily thing, but I would really like to make sure to try and work in some time each week for bike riding. I am looking forward to seeing how this will progress over the semester.

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