Friday, April 15, 2011

Petition Alesomeness

I went to Salem Creek Trail today after coming from downtown working the RiverRun film festival and had a rough day. I kinda didn't want to do this whole bike petition thing at first because of my day and I was frustrated but my attitudes changed when I saw how many signatures I received today. I expected one or two but I actually got ten and hopefully I get more when I go out Sunday. I stayed out two hours the first half hour I walked the trail to see if I saw people as I walked that didn't work and I wanted to give up but as I started walking back and half way down I decided to just stand there. As I just stood there people started to actually notice me that I started to yell that I had a petition for more greenways before I was just walking and hoping they would just notice I had a petition because I told them as I walked but I guess there is just something to standing and yelling at someone. Some of the bikers were going so fast even as I shouted they couldn't show down enough to sign and some just rode past. I got mostly runners and walkers to sign but the bikers that did sign stopped and talked to me alittle and I got into a conversation with a biker whose daughter had just graduated from Salem and how he was proud someone was petitioning speaking of Salem I also got a salem sis to sign yay sister. I also met a nice family they were riding with their 5 year old son who also wanted to sign but the parents had to tell him no, I really wanted him to sign but his parents signed I was happy. I also met a runner who when I said this petition should really be for all of NC gave me a high five and signed the petition and said we should work to get one from here to Greensboro, how alesome would that be . Today was a good day and very unexpected, hopefully I got more sigs Sunday. Total petition alesomeness and more to come. Yayyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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