Sunday, April 3, 2011

FDA Bans Some Food Imports from Japan

Hello all:

My media article this week was about the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) putting bans on imports from Japan that it would "halt imports of dairy products and produce from the area of Japan where a nuclear reactor is leaking radiation." The food would be detained at entry and would not be sold to the public. Which made me wonder, why they are wasting the money to export dairy products in the first place?

Japan actually makes up less than 4% of the US imports. The most common imports from Japan to the United States are seafood, snack foods and processed fruits and vegetables.

The article also explained that they would be testing any seafood that comes from Japan to see if it was radio active. I never found anything wrong with the seafood from this area, so that isn't a big deal to me.

The article can be found online here:

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