Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fitness and MyPlate

So I have been very good for the entire month of April as far as fitness goes. I have been running at least 5 days a week, lifting two days a week, and when tennis ended I have been playing soccer. I'm pretty sure my body will make me pay for this as soon as I give it enough time to rest. The weather has been just so perfect for some of my workouts that I cannot pass up running when it's sunny outside. I have been doing rather well of watching what I am eating also. I have been trying to make sure I eat nutrient dense foods so my body will be able to keep working at its maximum potential. The only downside is that I have officially stopped using myplate to track my progress. I have found a number of things that make the source difficult to use and things that make it more time consuming than it has to be. I did track my food and exercise for over thirty days straight which I am proud of.

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