Saturday, May 7, 2011

Gas Extraction Standard Revised

My article this week was about the revised gas extraction standards proposed this week. The article states that Obama increased production of gas as a long term energy strategy but hopes not to have a safety and regulation breakdown. A panel was assembled to assess how to make the gas cleaner and safer, safety and environmental policies were put in place. Obama then outlined the strategy and new rules to make the bussiness safer as well. The practice would be done by hydraulic fracturing which is the infusion of high pressured fluid into a formation of underground gas pockets. Even though this could be safer it does have dangers such as the possible chemicals involved which would damage and pollute the water supply and soil, the article says things are being implemented to reduce this danger. The articlesays the republicans are against this because hydaulic fraturing would be wasteful because the EPA already regulates it. Neverthe less plans are going forward because of the benefit like generating new jobs and potential environmental benefits of the natural gas.

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