Sunday, March 13, 2011

Not My Week...

Hey everyone,

I am so sick. I wasn't about to go out to the trail build for MST on Saturday, nor was I able to go riding. I'm going on week 2 of feeling this bad but, luckily, I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. Hopefully, I will get on some medicine that will kick this sickness out. I am so jealous of people who were about to enjoy the BEAUTIFUL weather. I was really encourages to hear that a lot of Salem students rented the bikes for the weekend. We aren't the only ones who care!

I was very thankful that Nick came to class on Wednesday to show us around some of the camera's. I'm excited to learn more about how to properly shoot moving objects (like mountain bikers)

I'm not sure if I will see you all tomorrow, but I will try my hardest.

Until then,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah,

    We all hope you are feeling better soon. We will be heading outside on Wednesday so make sure to bundle up if it is cold outside.
