Thursday, March 3, 2011

Indoors vs Outdoors

For variety this week I decided to do the majority of my miles indoors in spin class.  It was an easy decision since it rained after class on Monday and I was busy after class on Wednesday, so outdoor riding was out.  I am still hoping this weekend is not completely rained out and I get on the greenway Saturday and Sunday.  So far I've logged three hours of spinning, which I think equals about 40 miles. There is another class tomorrow morning and since my WSSU students earned an early start to their spring break, I am actually free.  We will see if I can convince myself in the morning.  I'm not sure how some of my students are putting in 1-2 hours on a stationary bike.  I can only tolerate the spin class because there is some music to get jazzed about and because I get to interact with 10+ other people while I'm there.  Otherwise, I think I would be bored out of my mind. 

I would much rather be outside enjoying my surroundings and being in nature.  I really hope everyone at least tries to get out on the greenways/trails/neighborhoods, because they are totally different experiences.  I love hearing the red-shoulder hawks screeching over the Bethabara Park Trail.  I love hearing the male red-wing blackbirds defending their territories along the Salem Creek Trail.  I love seeing Great Blue Herons fishing in the shallow waters of Salem Lake.  These are experiences you just don't get if you are inside.  Rihanna and Lady Gaga, yes.  Wonderful birdwatching, no.

I have been keeping up on "MyPlate" since Matt presented it in class.  I had taken a couple months off (since December), but I generally like the site and use it pretty regularly.  I was really bad yesterday, mostly because I went to CDI and they had extra chips and cookies from a meeting.  We do not have this type of food in the house and I couldn't help myself.  So I made up for it today by eating well and spending way too much time at the gym.  I think I'm back on track now. 

In other news, I'm very excited for round two of biking 101 with Erika on Saturday.  I hope we can get her a bike that fits her and have an actual go at the activity.  In preparation, and because I have no children,  I've been looking for tips on how to teach someone to ride a bike.  I found a nice blog, called (Thanks Tony) that has a nice "how to" post.  Wish us luck!

teach kids to ride

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