Sunday, February 20, 2011

San Francisco - Bike friendly city

About 95% of San Francisco's streets have bike lanes, and more than 70% of people in the city say they ride more than twice a week, at least. The number of people that bike to work doubled between 1990 and 2000 and is still growing (of course). The San Francisco Bicycle Program is dedicated to making the streets safer and enhancing biking as a viable mode of transportation. They have garage bicycle parking, maps for bike routes through the city, and even a 50 - page guide to biking practices customary in San Francisco. Lastly they have the coexist campaign, which educates cyclists and motorists in the rules and regulations when sharing the road, right down to debris in the roads.

I didn't cycle this week. However, Sunday was my day spent out at Hanging Rock State Park, taking the hike to the top of the mountain. It was excellent and exhilarating, I even climbed a few rocks. (; I never remember my camera but the one time I did, it came in handy. Most of you from NC have seen the view, but for those of you that haven't, it's lovely!

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