Friday, February 11, 2011


This class has had me thinking of biking and the exhilarating feeling that I get when I'm biking. It makes you feel like you're flying and free. It gives me a thrill, especially when you're coasting down a hill after the heart-pumping effort it takes to make it to the top of that hill. Unfortunately, I couldn't pursue that taste of freedom this week because when my husband pulled our bikes out of the shed we store them in for the winter my tire was flat and my husband's front tire was flat. No bike riding for us until we make the time to tune them up and replace our inner tubes. Somehow riding a stationary bike does not give me the same feeling as riding outdoors does, so I opted to do something different this week until I can give my bike a tune up. Walking became the back-up plan.
We tend to take a lot of bike rides and walks as a family so this was not that different for us. In the area where we live the traffic is at a minimum and the big things to watch out for are dogs and the occasional bear. Didn't have to worry about the bear this time of the year and the dogs, well, I was hoping to not have a repeat experience of being chased and having to use my hiking stick or repellent spray. Today's walk went without any dog-chasing incidents. We all had fun and it was wonderful to get outside with the thoughts that soon we would start to see signs of spring. Walking relieves tension in a way that not many other activities can. You can walk without having to think about it. Your mind can wander from this to that. The tension in your body slowly unwinds as you walk. It's not the same thrill as bike riding, but just as effective in connecting you to the world around you. Biking makes me feel like I'm flying and walking makes me feel grounded. Had a great experience.
Hopefully, if time permits, I'll be writing about biking next time.

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